Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And so it begins....

Welcome. I hope this Blog finds you well. If this Blog ever should spring to life and come looking for you that is.
I'm glad you've chosen to read my blog, and I'm also glad you've decided to start with this first post, because that means you like having everything lined up nice and neat. This means you are an overachiever. Congratulations.

Now, a few questions you may have.
Who am I?
Just a guy in his late 20s living in Southern California.
What is this blog's intended purpose?
None, really. I'd like to talk about a lot of things, mostly what's currently on my mind, but I'll throw some movies, sports, TV and book semi-reviews in as well.
How often do you intend on updating this Highly Rated Blog?
I hope to update it every night, but best laid plans and all that eh? Hopefully I can avoid the curse of the blog by not posting something for a week and a half straight only to have my next post a month and a half later saying something along the lines of "Oops, I keep meaning to come on here and write a lot more, but we've been really busy lately!"
I haven't told anyone about this blog, and I don't intend to unless I keep up with it, so hopefully Mom, if you're reading this, it's because I've been very diligent.
Your aspirations for this blog are to have your Mom read it?
That is correct. I'm often accused of being overambitious. My apologies if it comes across in my writing.
Please explain what or who your Blog is highly rated by.
The blog gods.
Why are you having trouble deciding whether or not to capitalize "Blog"?
I'm not quite sure.

-So there you have it. Another fact of note: ("Fact of note"??)
Today I was thinking about starting a new blog, and hours later my mind wandered to my Blog's title. I've started other blogs, and actually had conversations with friends and family on what to name theirs. Usually the name decided upon falls somewhere in-between over-thought and complete failure. However, within seconds of thinking about it, I was struck by a bolt of inspiration: I will name my blog "Blah Blah Blog"! It's very clever, and speaks to the intended rambling nature of my posts! Hurrying home, I typed in "blah blah blog" into google, only to find that I was just as clever as 2 other pages of people before me. And somehow one of the websites was proud of having adult-rated content (the internet is nothing if not consistent).
So, ok. I'll try "Blogged Down"- this was also a clever use of the absurd word "blog", which I think was created by a two-year old. Also taken. So now you have an idea of what could have been. However, I was proud of thinking of those two names, and so what if around 20 other people had already thought of them! I'm spreading the good word and taking alot of the credit!

Other thoughts:

-Just finished up a nice mini-pint of "Moose Tracks" ice cream, (brilliant name, by the way, who wouldn't think of something a moose has left behind as a delicious treat!) and I know you're not supposed to eat anything unhealthy so close to going to bed, but I was feeling rebellious and polished that bad boy off anyway. So take that, person eating their highly regulated string bean snack!

-I ended the title of this post with an ellipsis, the super dramatic trailing off trick. I hope you enjoy those too, because they're very fun to use, they make me seem so thoughtful...

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