Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Double N Double S. Gotta Remember That Somehow.


- That I am made up of 60% water.  That's a lot of water to be sloshin' around with.

-The bird that happened to...relieve himself in the middle of his day while flying around....right on my car.  I'm very glad humans use a separate room and don't do things like birds.

-Being thirsty, drinking a ton of water, then STILL being thirsty, only your stomach is entirely full now.  (and then you're made up of at least 67% water)

-Waiting at stop lights.  Come onnn there's nobody else there...just let me go!  Just ME.  I won't tell anyone, I promise.

-My coworker had some trail mix today that was named "Wild West Trail Mix".  It was compromised of a couple various nuts, raisins, and M&Ms.  That's a combo that makes me think of saloons, gunfights, and ridin' horses.

-Any morning DJs.  Having your voice travel to both ends of the pitch spectrum during each word does not = wackiness.

-Putting on a shirt I thought was going to fit me still but didn't.  And not being able to find a way to blame the shirt.

-Duckbilled dinosaurs.  Do you realize how many other cool dinosaurs there are out there, and all you're giving me is a duck bill?  So lame.

-Murders.  Totally unnecessary.

-Spelling the word "unnecessary".  Split up double combo- not a fan.

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