Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Microwave to your Grandmother little Timmy

I had a microwave dinner tonight.  No, I did not eat a microwave, I sent waves of energy at a frequency which "irritated" the molecules in my food enough to eat them.  Your mouth watering yet?
But I don't care.  While you organic apologists were out healthing it up, taking the time to shop for groceries, prepare a meal, and clean up your dishes afterword, I was throwing my plastic plate in the trash, watching Spain vs. Switzerland that I already knew the result of so I got bored after 5 minutes and turned it off, reading about a new piece of technology that I don't need, and thinking about how I need to do my laundry but not doing it.  Boy do you feel like you wasted your time!

On a related note, people who use the microwave and leave time on the clock need to stop doing that.  You're disrupting the very fabric of spacetime by not letting the timer run out!!  And with radiation no less.  We're all going to be a bunch of hulks walking around soon.

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