Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I find it very funny that the United States of America has the audacity to call what the rest of the world calls "football" "soccer".  So what if you kick the ball with your foot and can't touch it any other way?  We're calling it what we want BECAUSE WE CAN.
Another fun thing about American sports is the USA chant.  U-S-A!!  U-S-A!!  U-S-A!! is the easiest chant to get a group of thoughtless people chanting.  Go ahead and try it.  And thank me later.  Don't really, because I won't remember what you're thanking me for, and it's not really something I want a "thank you" for.  Maybe just an acknowledgment of correctness.
Soccer can be a frustrating sport though, as sometimes a sneeze will knock another player off of his feet in an attempt to draw a foul, and minutes can go by with a few players playing what is the equivalent of a leisurely game of catch with each other just passing the ball back and forth.  It's the only sport I can think of where you can show replays DURING play and not miss anything. And the games can end in a 0-0 tie.  Nothing changes between the start of the game, and the end.
I do enjoy soccer though, the chanting/singing from the crowd, sliding on your knees, importance placed on every goal, and funny hair.

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