Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Totally Rad Epic Bling Blog......NOT!!

Why can't I ever start sayings?

Even if they become ridiculous and outdated in a matter of months, I'd like to be the one who started something.  Someone somewhere is very pleased with themselves for getting people to say "da bomb" instead of "cool" and that person is pleased with themselves for getting people to say that instead of "great".  But who would say "great" these days?  Clearly only squares.  I mean....n00bs.  I mean....notgreats.  Maybe that's been my problem.  Maybe I should have been trying to start some negative words all along instead of euphemisms for "good".
The ones that really get me though are taking words that already exist and just throwing them to the forefront of popculture's vernacular. Like whoever started using "epic" and has gotten it to the point that the "wacky" DJs on the radio station who play hits 4 years too late thinks they're cool by using it.  "Now, that was an epic song from (....uh....whoever did that "Had a Bad Day" song.  -I've sat here trying to think of it for 2 minutes.   Time for google.  Ah, yes,) Daniel Powter!" 
I've wanted to start saying ghastly more- I think that could work.  "Man, that girl was ghastly." Or maybe we could even reverse bad it.  Like how we've made sick and bitching good things.  "Ghastly cake you've made Barbara."

Not a good idea?  Whatever.  Buncha notgreats.

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