Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Only Dunking I'm Going to be Doing is With a Basketball ........Shaped Cookie.

Remember when you were younger and your body converted sugar into easily used energy?

Yeah.  Me too.  That was great.

I've gotten to the point where the body stops converting sugar into energy and starts converting it into a bowl made of bricks with melted butter inside of it.

I love exercising.  Honestly, it's fun to run around and even more fun to play a sport.  The competition and the physiological reasons really do give me a natural high.  Or at least they did.  Today when I was playing basketball and tried to jump the highest I got was ...well I didn't get very high at all, in fact, I somehow managed to cause the pavement to sink.

I've become one of those guys you see huffing and puffing with ill fitting exercise clothing and a face the color of a tomato and you think "....eee.  Good for him though."

It's all right, all I have to do is exercise a little bit more, eat right, and with a little luck, I'll be able to gain back any weight I've lost and get myself out of whatever shape I'm in after a week of not exercising and looking at a donut the wrong way.

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