Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Every Auto Shop Should Have an Actual Greased Monkey

My car broke this weekend.  The water pump busted.  I noticed something was wrong when the engine became hotter than the sun and I started sweating after I turned my air conditioning on.
Fortunately, I was lucky enough to take my car to the mechanic, who charged me an exorbitant amount of money.  I do feel a little bit for mechanics though, because I think it's a safe bet most mechanics got into that business because they love working with cars and fixing things.  Not because they enjoy giving people bad news, having that same person mistrust their info, and then doing work for them.  No wonder it's so expensive.  If I was a mechanic I'd probably be so fed up with everyone being angry I'd fix EVERYTHING with duct tape.  (were there that many ducts broken they needed to invent a tape for them?)  Then again, if I was a mechanic, I'd have no idea what was wrong with most of the cars, so I would probably have no choice but to duct tape the whole car together and just hope it runs.  "Running" is also a funny thing to describe what the engine does.  "vrooming" would be better, I think.

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