Thursday, July 29, 2010

Snood for President

I sure miss Snood.  It's on my computer, which I don't have because I'm a jerk and tried to watch (maybe) an unnamed TV show which someone I guess put viruses into to teach people like me who don't want to have their lives revolve around sitting in front of a movingpictures box a lesson.  Lesson learned: computer nerds are butt heads.  (just kidding computer nerd who's reading this and contemplating giving my blog a virus- like e-strep or the iflu(pronounced like ipod).
What makes someone want to give another person's computer a virus?  Is it the 21st century equivalent of putting a flaming bag of dog poo on someone's porch?  A "hilarious" prank?  It must be.  Only you don't know the person you're pulling the prank on, and you don't get to see their reaction when it happens to them.  Oh the comedy!
Anyway, Snood is a game where you shoot different colored circles at other circles (or sometimes triangles) of the same color.  Why would you miss this, you may ask?  ...Look, it's just fun ok.  Be happy I'm not out messing with everyone's donkeys.

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