Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Hi, You've Reached"...I'm Not Reaching for Anything, I'm Calling Someone!

There should be a time limit on outgoing voice mail messages on people's phones.  After 3 years of calling and hearing the same message when the people don't pick up, you start to resent the tone, the words, and the spirit of what they're saying.  I find myself occasionally mocking what they say, frequently rolling my eyes, and always doing the thing where you put your hand sideways, stick out your pointer finger, and move it in a circle that means "hurry up". 
Those "ringback" tones are even worse though- when you call someone and have to listen to music they picked instead of a dial tone.  How presumptuous is it to think that every person who calls you will have the same taste in music as you?  And it's not like they're picking Mozart, I always get someone wailing about something I can't even understand.  And as I finished that last sentence I turned into an 80 year old curmudgeon.


Let's all stop with the "leave a message" or "wait for the tone" thing- we get it.  And don't say you're sorry you missed my call!  You don't know that!  I'm certainly not sorry I miss half the calls I dump into my voicemail.  Er- I mean.....always...miss....  yeah, that's the ticket!

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