Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meet my Friend: Stapler

Maybe it's because I can't stay grounded in reality, maybe it's a telling sign of how much I enjoy interacting with actual people, I think it's more a case of my mind existing in a cartoon world.
I very much enjoy picturing inanimate objects come to life.  Like this guy:
 "Heyyyy!!!"  He seems to be saying.  How could you not like a chair like him?

Someone once asked me if I were stuck on an island like Tom Hanks in "Castaway" if I would have an imaginary friend like Wilson the volleyball.  I told them I wouldn't.  I'd have about 100.  Probably a whole town of inanimate object friends......and enemies.  I would also probably die in a week if I were stuck on an island like Tom Hanks in Castaway, but that's a different story.

On a completely different note, I've been noticing lately how a lot of places here in Southern California have Spanish names.  La Jolla, La Mesa, La Playa, etc.  It got me to thinking, I would be very amused if there were places in South America, Spain, or Mexico named "Beach".  Or "Jewell".  "Hey everyone, let's go to "The Table", they have a great downtown area!"  Explorers, settlers, and the government officials who named places in our country weren't very creative.  "Ah, look at this beautiful place I've never been to before!  I shall call it "Mountain Land".  I can't decide if I applaud them for telling it like it is, or am disappointed they didn't name more places stuff like "Booty" or "Mike's a Jerk".  Then again, I guess that's what your video game characters are for.

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