Monday, July 12, 2010

Chicks Dig the Long Ball. If They Haven't Left the Room or Fallen Asleep First.

I'm lucky enough to be going to Major League Baseball's All-Star game tomorrow- well, Mostly-Star game.  Someone from the Pirates will be there.
Oh, baseball.  America's pastime.  Which it is called, of course, because it passes time.  A lot of it. 

I admire baseball players though, hitting a baseball is an incredibly rare skill to have.  Not because of the body control, perfect technique and hand-eye coordination, but because a rock-solid object is being hurled at their heads with lethal force.  Really, an attempt on this poor batter's life is being made.  And we find this sport boring.

I do wish though, that other sports had a "take me out to the ballgame" equivalent.

"For it's 1-2-3 tattoos you've got cred at the ollld ballll gaaaammmme"

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