Friday, July 16, 2010

Dragon Breath

Dear Movies and TV Shows,  
It really bugs me when two people are asleep in bed together in the morning, wake up and immediately start talking within an inch of each other- or even worse, start making out!  If someone started talking to me after a long nights sleep that closely without brushing their teeth, I would probably never want to see this person again.  You stink, you carry that with you for the rest of the time we know each other.  “Stink Guy”  or “Stink Woman.”
And believe me, if you kissed ME in the morning after a long night’s sleep and before I brushed my teeth, I am VERY confident that would be the last time we ever kissed.
So I know it’s not very romantic or plot moving to show two lovers get up and brush their teeth for 60 seconds before a scene starts, but maybe you could have some mints by the bed at least?  This would be acceptable.



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