Monday, July 19, 2010

Then Leo Would Turn Into the Hulk and Start Playing Laser Tag

I did not sleep very well last night, this was because there was a bird who decided to recite what in bird-speak was probably the entire Frank Sinatra discography. Although it did not sound like Frank Sinatra. It sounded like a car alarm. Upon further research, I discovered that the scientific name for this bird is the Car Alarmbird, a distant relative of the Bluebird. After the bird's show was over around 3am, I was able to get back to sleep, only to have a different bird wake me up around 5:30. This one sounded like it was aiming right for my ear, and was making the same sound a child would make when firing a pretend laser gun. Based on the color of the crest, and shape of the beak, I could tell the subgenus of this bird was the PEEEWWW.

Thankfully, I was able to get some sleep. Which meant I had some dreams. I’m telling you this because I saw the latest Christopher Nolan movie “Inception” over the weekend (a fine film) which was all about being inside another person’s dream. In the movie, the people’s dreams had some twisted staircases and moving landscapes, which are some things that you find in dreams, but if they really wanted to make it like people’s dreams, or my dreams at least- there would have been a lot more jetpacks, candy, and superheroes. That’s right- I consistently have the dreams of an 8 year old.
For example- if they wanted to make the movie anything like the dream I had last night- there would have been two dinosaurs chasing Leonardo DiCaprio, both a T-Rex. And somehow he would have gotten the skin of another T-Rex and built a robot Tyrannosaurus to distract the first two. In doing so, he would find that somehow the dream had gone to operating a robo-T-Rex draped in a real T-Rex’s skin to him having to defeat (what that means or how I don't know) another one of them, while the other one was about to eat his little brother(?) (I don't have a 10 year old brother) that was operating the foot of the dinosaur(?) (apparently this robot only had controls in the head and feet). That’s how dreams really work. At least mine anyway.

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