Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cell Division

In today's modern world of advanced communication technology, we still have a problem with ...communication.  I was talking on my cell phone today while driving -hands free, of course.  Although it isn't really hands free because it took forever just to pull everything out, untangle the cord, plug it into the jack and put the piece in my ear.  That whole process is much safer than just talking on the phone regularly though, so I'm glad I could do my part to save lives.
Of course, the other person I was talking to was using a speaker phone, and thus our conversation went something like this:

THEM: Did you flmmph l_ _ d?
ME: What?
THEM: Did you flmmph l _ id?
THEM: NO!  DID.  YOU.  flmmph L_ID!!!
ME: Oh.   .....yes....

After that I went on to describe something of great importance only to wonder after telling such a long and harrowing tale why I was receiving no gasps or guffaws on the other side.  Annnnd of course the call had ended 3 minutes ago.  So after 3 tries and straight to voicemails, I finally get a call back:

THEM: What happened?
ME: I don't know.
THEM: It's not my phone.
ME: Ok.
THEM: I have full bars.
ME: Maybe it was my phone.
THEM: It wasn't mine.  Check how many bars you have.
ME: All of them.
THEM: Well it wasn't me, I get full reception here.

As if one of us chose to get poor reception, or the connectivity of one's phone is a measure of one's self worth.  I never get why people are so quick to place blame onto another when a cell call is dropped.  I think next time I'm going to start the re-call off with "Hey, sorry about that, my phone gets poor reception here, but I did just save a baby."

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