Monday, April 25, 2011

TAKE me out to the BALLLLL

A friend of mine gave me some tickets to a baseball game, and when I was thinking about who to invite, I quickly settled on inviting my good friend I hadn't seen in a while, he accepted- and our plans were set.  However, I thought it would be a fun social experiment to see what kind of responses I would get if I put an ad up on craigslist.
Here's what I posted:

I have a couple of tickets to go to the Giants game tomorrow (Sunday, starts at 1pm- good seats too)- but it being a holiday and all, most of my friends can't go, so I figured I'd try to see if I could meet someone fun on here to go with.
I live south of the city, but wouldn't mind meeting up with someone in San Francisco
A little bit about me so you can get an idea if we'd have a good time:

I'm from Southern California, I moved up for a job at one of the bigger companies up here.
I love movies, TV, and Sports- but I can talk about all kinds of other things too (books, art, FOOD, traveling)
I consider myself a good conversationalist, and someone who likes to ask questions and listen, and hope that you would be as well (for a 3 hour + game)

Please only reply if you would be serious about going- and a little bit about yourself too, I'd like to know who I'm going with

Here are the only responses I received:

From "Kenna":

Loved your ad. I almost always wear skirts or dresses. I'm a girly-girl. 5'2" hwp. Blond & blue. I graduated UCLA in 2007 and have been employed at the same monotonous job ever since. It does pay the bills, though. You know who I love? Freddie Mercury. Classic, awesome voice. That's it for now, I do hope to hear from you soon.

No slacks for Kenna!  I did not know that she loved Freddie Mercury.

From "Alissa" (whose email address was owned by a "Janell"):

just want a genuine response to assert your a genuine lad

This one struck me as the most "genuine" of the group, but I found the word choice a bit weird.

Next up we have an email from "Dixie":

I believe that  you could be a a spamming fraudster, my good friend

Not exactly hilarious, but again, I found the choice of wording and extra space between "that" and "you" to be amusing. 

Here is where it gets better, an email from "Francisco":

Hi, I was looking thru people on here and thought I would send a message. I'm 23, very shy, but a good conversationalist once I get to know you. I'm looking for a friend first and see where it goes from there.

Next email, from "Popovic":
I feel for Popovic's loss, not only must he feel saddened by losing his little girl, but the guilt from being an irresponsible parent must have driven him mad enough to respond to a craigslist ad regarding baseball tickets.

From "Tarallo":
Mattress tester wanted
I bet it's hard these days to find a quality mattress tester, most of them fall asleep on the job!

Next up is the presumably lovely "Meszaros":
50 year old widower would love to have a gardening friend
Wouldn't we all?

The last email I got was from "Jennifer":

I'm hawiian and puerto rican and I'm looking for black male that has good convo, can make me laugh, likes 2 have fun, and is friendly like me
 I'll send some back
FINALLY someone who actually read what I had posted and responded with what I was looking for!
As I'm sure you've guessed, I told my friend to buzz off and Jennifer and I had a lovely time at the ballgame.

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