Thursday, April 7, 2011

Interview with Benjamin Franklin

ME: Hello Ben!  Or is it Benjamin?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Good day to you, whichever you prefer.  Let's turn this around.  How about I interview you?
ME: ....ok- I don't know if that's what my reader came here to read, but sure.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: What do you use for "butt"?
ME: What?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: The word "butt"- what do you say instead?
ME: I'm not sure, I guess it depends on the situation?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Come now, there must be something you think is funny.
ME: Well, I guess I'm partial to "patootie" or "rear"
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Not a fan of fannie?
ME: Not so much....are you?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: My dear boy, but of course!  The word "fannie" is hilarious!
ME: Hmm.
ME: Well, it's just....I didn't expect to be having this conversation with Ben Franklin.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: You expected me to be someone who'd go around pandering for cheap laughs by using the word "ass"?
ME: No, it's just that-
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: -you can kiss my hind quarters!
ME: Ben Franklin!  We don't approve of that kind of talk here on Wonderblog!  The Highly Rated Blog of Choice
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: What!  Come on- "hind quarters"?  What does that even mean?
ME: Hmm.  You do have a point.  What about "keester"?
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Yes!  Now you're catching on!  "rump"!
ME:"gluteus maximus!"
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: "bum"!  As if being a bum wasn't bad enough already!
ME:"Buttocks" is pretty funny
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Yes, even the word "bottom" has its charms.
ME: Ben Franklin, this has been my favorite interview yet.  Well done!
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Hey thanks!  Want some Doritos?

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