Sunday, April 3, 2011

America's Newest Dying Industry

How terrible would it be to be a rubber stamp maker?  Apparently the perfect vehicle for your product, the "Unrated!" or "Uncut!" or "Uncensored!" DVD has come along.  But now, this being the electronic age and all, everything is being e-stamped!
What torture!  Being taunted every time you walk by the movies section at the store, you'd have to see all the lost opportunities!  Because we all know that when something has "attitude" it's said via rubber stamp.  And with an exclamation point.  The people who design the graphics for the DVD cover couldn't possibly advertise that there's an extra weiner or 3 non bleeped F words in this version of the movie in regular font.  Also, never mind that the "extra" footage also adds nothing to the movie, or they would have put it in in the first place- no one can resist the selling power of the rubber stamp.  No one.

Are we supposed to be imagining some super awesome biker dude doing the most INAPPROPRIATE and EXTREMEly WRONG things while he's stamping these DVDs?

Or are we supposed be imagining some stuffy unattractive librarian looking woman from the MPAA stamping these movies in disgust, despite her best protests?

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