Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Smart Talk with Art Krenshaw: April 27th

Hello all, it's been a busy semester for Art Krenshaw, but we've been able to pry him away while his students are on Spring Break, so he can join us for another edition of Smart Talk- with Art Krenshaw!

Art Krenshaw is an expert in human behavior. He's studied sociology and anthropology at Northern Kansas University and currently teaches on the side.


Dear Professor Krenshaw

My husband and I have been married happily for 2 years now, we had dated for 2 and a half years before that and have lived together for 3 years.  I love him to death, but some of his hygiene habits are getting to me!  For example, he only brushes his teeth once a day, and while it doesn't really effect his breath or dental health, that's not normal, right?  And while I appreciate the fact that he works out and stays healthy, sometimes he....well, I guess there's no other way for me to say it...stinks!  Art, is there anything I can do?  I know I'm constantly told people don't change, and it's a bad idea thinking I'm going to change the person I'm married to, but I'd be so much happier if I had a great smelling guy!

Mrs. Clean

Mrs. Clean,
A quick note I'd like to point out- if you were Mrs. Clean, that would mean you were married to Mr. Clean, and it certainly doesn't sound like that's who your husband is!
I do understand your complaint though, and it's not an uncommon one.  You know, if you were to travel back to the 1700s in Europe everyone would smell awful!  Not because the French are generally stereotyped as not as concerned with hygiene as the rest of us, but because they didn't have all the fancy soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and shower technology that we have today.  Not to mention the colognes and perfumes.  Which leads me to believe that we all should stop showering, and buying deodorant, and perfume, etc.  If we all smell terrible, then no one will smell bad!  It's all relative, you know.  And think of all the money we'll save on needless products!  "Oh, but Art," you might say "what about all the poor soap companies?  We're in a barely recovering economy and you want to put those soap makers out of business?"  Maybe.  But instead of making soap, they could just make ice cream, which everyone likes, and will then invariably sell more!  Which will probably make everyone gain weight, which will then only increase sales in medical bills, fitness equipment and gym memberships, AND new clothes for everyone to wear!  That's right, I've single handedly fixed our economy.  You're welcome America.

Thanks for your insight Art!  Until next time, this has been another edition of Smart Talk- With Art Krenshaw!

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