Monday, April 11, 2011

Robo-Friends Forever

If I had a robot, I'd name him Barry.  Barry would be the best robot in the world.  We'd play baseball together, he'd bring me cookies at work that he baked inside a compartment in his arm, and then when we were bored, he'd rob a pizza store and blame it on the oven that works there.  Trust me, pizza ovens have it coming to them.  Barry would be so smart, he would know when to cheer me up, when to sing a song, and when to help me legally cheat on my taxes.  He'd be so smart, he'd probably hate the name Barry.  In fact, Barry would probably be smart enough to kill me, somehow construct a lifelike facsimile of my skin, hair and bone structure and assume my identity.  I bet Barry would even have enough programmed intelligence to make himself forget that he was a robot and HOLY CRAP IM BARRY.

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