Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Can't They Just Spell Out Their Name With Each Letter Standing for a Really Important Word?

America is a free country.  Based on capitalism.  Where you pay for everything.

It's also a democracy, which means we are ruled by an alien Overlord named Dem.  May his laser beams of justice shine down on all those who may stand in his way.

The best part of being part of a democratic society is that morons like me get to vote!  Which means during election time, a ton of videos are made for people who are dumb and too lazy to research any sort of facts about anything.  These videos are the best part about voting.

So as you can see, the best part about living in America is campaign videos.

The videos are great because they have incredibly ominous music, the kind you'd imagine playing when a super bad drug dealer is walking into the cop who's trying to chase him's house when the cop is at work, and some guy who sounds like he had a pack of smokes and is ready to rake you over the coals in the interrogation room is giving the viewer facts, facts which are repeated for emphasis. 

I thought I'd try writing an attack ad of my own, on the blog that has the url

Back in 2003, someone known only as "Murphy H, 2001" started a blog called "wonderblog", in it, they posted only nine times
(posted only NINE times?)

The last post?  Seven years ago.
(SEVEN years?)

Do you want a blogger who has no way to keep track of time?  I don't think so.

Hey, that was pretty fun.  Another one?

Once in January of 2003, the Wonderblog author wrote a post making fun of chubby blogs.
(chubby blogs??)

They probably didn't take into account that over 59 percent of the blog reading population could be considered chubby, DID THEY?

Back when wonderblog was created, the author chose to post in an olive green background.
(Olive green?)

That's the same color as split pea soup.  Which was also what the devil puked all over the room in the exorcist.

A vote for is a vote for the devil.


Maybe juuuuust one more.

I'm the author of this blog, and I approve this message.

Sometimes, the author of used the letter H.  Hitler's name started with the letter H.
The's author frequently uses the letter P.  Puppies spell their name with a P.

What would you rather vote for, Hitler?  Or Puppies?

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