Monday, November 15, 2010

Thomas Edison is Jealous of my Inventions

I think I'll start some new things. 
How about a fad:
I'll start one where hip kids wear clothes that older ladies would wear, and dress all in purple.
Kind of like this, but with purple eyeshadow, lipstick, and wig/dye.

I'll call them "Purps".  Because I think half of a new fad is having a catchy name.  Old people are going to hate Purps.  Which is the other half of creating a new fad.  Man, that was easy.

Now I think I'll start a saying:

Let's go with "Sweet corn!"  As an exclamation.  Example:
Sweet corn that was some hot coffee!

I could start a new greeting, in place of the fist bump or quick head nod.

Now when you want to say hello to someone you put your hands up like you're going to fight and stick both of your pinkies up.

Not like this, but nothing that looked like what I was talking about came up on google image search, and this was the funniest thing under "double pinkies" so, here's the poster for the 2010 romp "Lost on Journey"

And finally, a new product:

The Adam Sandler movie generator.
I don't have a picture, but I'll plug the formula into the machine and let's see what it comes up with:

A bunch of stuff a 12-year old would think is funny happens.  Someone yells.

This thing is going to make a fortune.

1 comment:

  1. Make your own Adam Sandler movie you say?

    There you go!
