Monday, November 22, 2010

A "Fanatic" is not Someone Who is a Fan of the Attic

Last night at the Chargers/Broncos game there was a guy who wore his Broncos jersey to the game, some doofus looking hat, goggles, and to top off the ensemble* a mullet and a poor excuse for a goatee.  The poor sap spent most of his $90 ticket with his back to the game, taunting the crowd, a move I will never understand.  Not only because he was making a large crowd of mostly intoxicated people with a few jerks sprinkled in angry, but because the Broncos were losing by 21 points.  He didn't have much to back up his taunts, most of which consisted of him gesturing like a poor man's Hulk Hogan.  Come to think of it, he was probably an intoxicated jerk himself, so I think I let him off easy by starting an extremely satisfying "Na na na na na na....hey hey hey!  GOODBYE!" chant when he was leaving the game early.  As my brother pointed out, had we not been chanting at him, he probably would have had a lot more ice thrown at his goggles.
Starting chants is an incredibly fun thing to do.  It's probably as close as I'll ever come to leading an angry mob, or having an army.  It's dangerous though, because a failed chant is incredibly embarrassing.  The worst is the guy who tries too hard and doesn't realize the chant isn't happening.  "LET'S GO ANGELS....LET'S GO ANGELS....(now louder as if his desperation will motivate the crowd to join him)  LET'S GO ANGELS...(now it's a near scream, he's almost pleading)  LET'S GO ANGELS!!"  and hopefully it's around this time something happens in the game that gives the crowd an excuse to make noise for something else. 

Can we all agree nobody likes the twisty plastic part at the end of hot dogs?  Yuck.  We don't want to be reminded we're eating encased meats.

*pronounced with overzealous french accent