Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Breaking of the Fellowship

Overheard tonight at Jack in the Box:

EMPLOYEE: Hello welcome to Jack in the Box my name is Hugo how are you doing tonight?
CUSTOMER: Well Hugo, not too great.
HUGO: Oh no, sorry to hear that, what happened?
CUSTOMER: My fiance broke up with me....but I'll have some chicken fingers and 2 tacos and a drink.
HUGO: Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that..... (awkward pause) .....but at least you'll be able to go to parties and hook up with girls now!

....which was clearly not what the poor guy needed to hear.  I gave him a look of pity and told him I was sorry as he passed me to fill his drink at the soda fountain.

But you know what the worst part is?
Hugo wouldn't even give him a free taco.

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