Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So today when I walked into the voting area and got my ballot, I overheard the following exchange:

PERSON: Hi, I'm not registered, and I'm not from California, can I still vote?
WORKER: Here's a ballot.

I noticed all of the booths were taken so I made a line and the following exchange occurred.

WORKER: Hi!  You can go ahead and just sit at that table and vote.
ME: Right there? (pointing to the middle of the room where all the traffic is)
 WORKER: That's right.
ME: Won't everyone be able to see what I'm doing then?
WORKER: *shrugs

Voter Apathy < People Working the Polling Center Apathy

I wanted to ask what the cool looking machine was in the corner but I think I exceed my question limit by two.  I bet it played video games.

On a note unrelated to elections, whenever I'm creating my own line, I like to try and get in an ambiguous spot, because it doesn't seem fair to have to pick a horse and wait directly behind a person.  Then someone who got there after you did could come and get behind a person who happens to finish faster.  It defeats the purpose of a line- in fact- scratch that first sentence this paragraph- this DOES have something to do with elections, from now on (or at least until the end of this entry) I'm campaigning to have ONE line that filters into the next available slot in all movie theatres, fast food restaurants, grocery stores, bathrooms, etc.  We'll call it: "Prop Awesome".  How could anyone vote no on that?

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