Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Orange Alka-Seltzer for Colds....mmm!

Yet another file for the "Things that were way better when you were a kid" folder:

Staying home sick.  When you were younger it meant having your Mom take care of you, she'd bring you some nice food, you would get to lay with your favorite blanket and  you'd get to watch cartoons and daytime TV.  Time has no meaning to you as a child, save "bedtime", so it didn't matter how long the day was or how much you had to sleep- you got to do other fun things in the meantime!

Flash forward to today as an adult.  There's no mom to take care of you, especially if you call during "Survivor" and even then, a phone can't bring you soda or popsicles.  Staying home isn't any fun because we've realized by now that daytime TV is terrible, and half the day is spent trying not to fall asleep so you don't wake up wide awake at 3am.  Although I will say medicine tastes a little better now.

*this blog would have gone on longer but the drowsy formula is starting to kick in...

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