Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Could Have Spent This Time Hunting for Treasure

A quick note to the service representitive that I was talking to today:
You say something, I listen.  Then I respond while you listen.  This is how communication works.  Interrupting me every 5th word I say to repeat the first thing you said does not help.

I woke up this morning and thought "You know, I would love to spend hours on the phone with a collection agency because of a bill that shouldn't exist."  Let me give them a call!  Maybe I can jive with some of that fancy hold music.  The kind where the three nerdy middle aged white guys are sitting around saying "Wow Leonard, this funky beat is something, but I think the synthesizer sounds too modern and there's not enough slow saxaphone."  The kind of music I'm not even sure the people who are making it think is tolerable.  That's great stuff.  I honestly cannot picture anyone listening to that and thinking "Hey...this is pretty good."  And yet, someone created it, and then someone decided it was the best thing to force angry people to listen to.  "Since everyone enjoys being on hold, what could we do to make it even better!"  I know!  Music that reminds them of the last time they were being screwed by the inefficiencies of major corporations and the ineptitude of apathetic people getting paid unfair wages!

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