Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sun ≠ Balloon

I thought it might be fun for me to be interviewed again for the blog, so here's another round of Questions annnnnnd Answers!

Q: Well, here we are again, how have you been lately?
A: Well, I've been doing great!  Having a good time writing in the blog every night.

Q: You mean every night except Fridays and Saturdays?
A: OK, sure.  That's what I meant.  How have you been?

Q: I've been great.  At least I know what the word "every" means.
A: Hey now.  Uncalled for.

Q: No, you're right.  I apologize.
A: Thank you because I think-

Q: Do you ever look out into space and think about how small we all are?
A: Actually, yes, sometimes.

Q: Because you probably shouldn't.  You're kind of short, so it would make sense for you, but- most of us- you know....we're a lot bigger than molecules.
A: Yes, I did know that, and I don't think I'm that short- maybe about average height, besides what does-

Q: What about the sun?  Do you ever look into the sun and think about how small you are?
A: No, of course not.

Q: You think maybe that might be a good idea?
A: No.  I do not.  I thought we were going to talk about the blog.

Q: There's blogs in the sun.  Didn't you know that?
A: There are no blogs in the sun.  Are you talking about blots?

Q: No, blogs.  Like the one you write for.  Every night.  Except Fridays and Saturdays?
A: Yes.  And no, I'm pretty sure there are no blogs in the sun.  That doesn't make any sense.

Q: There's helium in the sun, right?
A: I believe so.

Q: But the sun doesn't just float away, does it?
A: No, but that's because it has an incredible mass, it's not just made up of helium, and besides, an object full of helium would behave differently in space than it would here on Earth.

Q: Oh, so you think you're better than me now?
A: No!  I mean....I don't even really know-

Q: Well you are, ok?  I just littered outside.  Just now.  I was eating a Western Bacon Cheeseburger, finished, and threw the wrapper at a trash can, basketball style- but I missed.  And then I didn't want to go over and pick it up off the ground and put it in the trash can because it was kinda far and there were a few people around, it would have been kind of embarrassing.  I mean...who does that sort of thing?
A: Oh, well don't feel too bad about-

Q: Thanks for your time!  Make sure and read Wonderblog!  The Highly Rated Blog of Choice
Updated Sundays - Thurs. nights.

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