Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Advertising Brilliance

I've been watching a lot of Mad Men lately.  I've also been studying up on some great comedy.  The Marx Brothers, Peter Sellers, Bob Newhart, Early SNL, Ghostbusters, Dumb and Dumber, Will Ferrell, The Office, you name it.  So today I figured, why not use comedy to sell a product?  A funny ad is one that the most people will talk about, I'm surprised Don Draper hasn't mentioned this yet.
My idea isn't entirely refined, but I'm sure it's a good one, and maybe my legion of reader can help me fine-tool this idea.
OK.  Here it is:

SOMETHING.....does something you WOULDNT EXPECT IT TO!

I'll let you digest that a little bit before we move on.

I know that it's a brilliantly complicated notion, so I'll keep this example simple.  Two words:
Smart.  Baby.

Hilarious, right?  And who wouldn't want to go into work tomorrow and tell the people they have nothing in common with other than an office space about a baby doing something like SCIENCE!

It's incredibly funny because no baby would ever do anything scientific, so it challenges our very notion of reality.  It's the absurd brought to life!  And a baby with a BEAKER?!?  In a LAB COAT?!?  With GOGGLES on????  I guarantee no babies ever wear labcoats for practical reasons, this will lead the audience to have nothing but a favorable reaction to seeing one.

Now that that idea has probably sunk in a little bit, I'm going to throw a Koufax-esque curve at you:
A hippo driving a car!!

Outrageous, no?  A hippo wouldn't even be able to fit in most sedans, and where would a hippo keep his keys?!?!  Is there such a thing as hippo driving school????  Oh man, I am tearing up just thinking about that.

As for the product, it doesn't matter, we can just throw the logo of the company on at the end of the commercial.  The baby or animal doing something only an adult human would do will be enough to get the masses talking SO much, one 30 second tv or web commercial becomes minutes worth of discussion for billions of people worldwide!  We let our viewers do the networking FOR us!!  If we want, we can put it up on the facebook, just pop it right up in everyone's faces.  Man, this is going to be a delight.  And the best part is, no one will ever see it coming!

Look out Peggy Olsen, there's a new kid in town!

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