Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Uncharted Comedy Territory: Air Travel!

I've read that the angle at which airplane seats are set up when you "recline" them is the same angle at which torturers keep their victims in order to cause the most discomfort.
This thought was exactly what one wants to be entering one's head after a long day of travel when you're trying to make yourself fall asleep on an airplane.
When you're trying to sleep midflight the following things always happen right when you reach the point where you're going to leave the realm of conscious thought and enter "sleep":

-The Stewardess asks you if you want a drink.
NO I DON'T WANT A DRINK I HAVE  MY SEAT BACK THE LIGHTS OFF AND MY EYES CLOSED!  Do you want an umbrella for the flight?

-The pilot mumbles something about wind at a decibel loud enough so the people we are flying over can hear him.

-The person next to you decides to turn their light your face, turn their weird air nozzle thing your face, or sneeze....not in your face, but sneezing is really loud.

-Your own fat head wakes you up by becoming so heavy it violently loses its battle with gravity and you get jerked awake.

So you end up spending the length of the flight in this weird limbo state between sleep and being awake- which only causes you to become more groggy than you were when you got on the plane.
Or if you're really lucky, you think you fall asleep for what seems like 3 hours, and wake up thinking "Awesome!  Now I bet there's only thirty more minutes of flying left!" Only to find out you were really out for 15 minutes and have 3 more hours of flying left.

P.S. Stop giving us the "we're landing soon- turn off your stuff and put up your treys" speech when we're not landing for another 30 minutes.

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