Friday, January 21, 2011

Questions from Beyond

Why do aliens always have features that are exactly human except for around three other things?   Like a long head and eyes with no pupils, or three eyes instead of two.  All the vast everything that is the Universe, the probable infinite possibilities of other life that exists, and the other beings we see in fiction are humans, but just a couple feet taller and furry?

Why do we always picture God with a robe?  If I was God, I'd wear a kilt.  And a lobster hat.

And why is heaven always made of clouds?  What's so great about clouds?  My heaven is made out of burritos.  And really comfy beds and pillows.  And robot dinosaurs.

1 comment:

  1. I think there's a good chance that aliens could be dinosaur-like. On Earth, the dinosaurs probably would have continued to dominate the planet unless that asteroid hit. Then again, how can we possibly speculate? I agree that aliens in movies are usually pretty unimaginative for the most part.
