Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Have Some 'Splain'in to do!


Let me tell you about Gandolin.  His hair flowed like a waterfall over a sharp cliff.  As sharp as a dentists scrapey thing that he uses to "clean your plaque" when really you know he's just stabbing you in the gums as he thinks "Ha!  Shows you.  I'm a DOCTOR!"
Gandolin worked at Del Taco.  Which loosely translates to "Of the taco."  And tightly translates to "Taco Taco."  So his hair flowed.  All the way down to some other verbose description.

Then, everyone exploded.  Off of the roof.  In the street.  On a tree.  With their head off.


...which loosely translates to "The Len Of Generations".

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