Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rapture + Doomsday = DoomRapture?

So this past Saturday was supposed to be the Rapture, according to a large group of people.  While I didn't make it to the bank in time to get a roll of quarters on Saturday, it actually was not the end of the world, as I had feared.  We made it out alive, yay!  There were a good number of signs and flyers around town for the past couple weeks.
The past couple weeks.

I don't know about you guys, but while I appreciate the warning that life on Earth as we know it is coming to an end, I'd prefer to know about it a little more than a couple of weeks in advance.  These people must have been serious enough about it to pay for a billboard, so why couldn't they go bigger than this?  Make a good "end of the world" movie for once, maybe even a decent mini-series on the Sci-Fi channel.  Or at least have the billboard up a few months beforehand.  It's not like they needed to save their money for anything.  Again, I want to be clear, I appreciate the thought, but I have to say- the warning really was half-assed.  The next time you know that doomsday is upon us, let's bring our A game!  Also, for those of you that know me in real life, if it ever does happen, as the world is ending, please remind me to say "Come on guys, it's not that bad, it's not like it's the end of the world or anything!".  The more fire that's raining down upon us the funnier it'll get, trust me.


  1. Not to fear. We have the Myan end of the world dec 2012, and more people are into that idea, so this is just the beginning.

  2. That's a relief.

    Thanks Dave!
