Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And Apparently They're Doing it to get "The Worm", Whatever That is.

In this world, there are "morning people" and there are "night owls".  I am the latter.  I don't even get to be a person.  I'm an owl.*  This would be bad enough, but to top it off, the world is not made for people who stay up late, and don't enjoy the morning.  Things open at 8, and close well before I go to bed.  Upon making this realization, I think I finally understood what it was like to be left handed.
Nobody ever goes to bed too early to eat dinner, and even then, dinner is a meal you can easily have for lunch.  I miss breakfast all the time, my bacon quota is dangerously low for the quarter.

*And aren't all owls "night owls"?  Shouldn't it just be "owl"?

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