Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thoughts of Regular Depth

Some personal notes from my life:

I had a waiter who decided it would be a good idea to correct me on my fitness knowledge.  When I remarked that being very fit could be a bummer because you would be less likely to enjoy fatty and delicious foods like donuts, he let me know that it's fine, as long as you have muscles.  Ah.  Thanks fitness expert (not fit).  He also interrupted a conversation about black representing bad in movies and white representing good to tell us that the Star Wars movies were written years before they were made and proceeded to argue about which were written first.  Not a fine example for his kind.

I had a dream that I was really great at basketball which somehow carried over to me shooting around- when I tried the moves my brain must have thought I was still capable of- well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.

I still am bothered by the term "e-mail", because it's really more of an "e-note", and text messages...well, all written messages are text aren't they?  We're not confusing them with smoke signals.

Apparently up in the bay area you are required to have a photo of you hiking, rock climbing, and snowboarding in any sort of online photo profile you have.  I will soon be asked to leave the area by the proper authorities.

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