Thursday, June 2, 2011

Goodbye For Now

It's been one full year, and I'm proud to say that I made it, with well over 200 updates to this blog.
It's been a lot of fun for me to write, and I've really enjoyed sharing it with the people that have read along and posted comments.
I've decided to take a 3 month break from posting- (think of it as a summer break), so I can recharge some of the creativity required to write 5 nights a week and to focus on a few other things in my life that deserve my full attention.  I have every intention right now to come back in September and start writing again, but you never know where life may take you.  I will say that any knowledge I have that there are people out there who have read this blog and enjoyed it will make coming back that much easier and give me that much more motivation, so don't be shy if you've ever enjoyed anything on this blog.
I wrote all of these posts first and foremost for myself, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a disappointment that the readers I had were so few, even amongst friends and family.  For that reason, I'd really like to thank my friend Dave; knowing that there was at least one person that read consistently may have made the difference between me being able to make it the whole year or not, and believe me, it was very important to me that I make it an entire year, for many reasons.
I plan on making a section where I can add a few of my favorite posts for people to read during my hiatus, but I'd love to have feedback from anyone and everyone about anything I've written.  Please go ahead and let me know if there are any favorites you have.
I also plan on coming on to see if I can tweak some of the formatting or layout of the page so feel free to check in every now and again to see if anything is new.

Thank you so much for reading!