Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We have to go baaaaack!

It's been a few weeks, but I thought I'd blog about the ending of the tv show LOST.  Already, I've lost 90% of the 2 people who are probably reading this.  (there's someone who was in a terrible accident and is just a head on a broomstick with wheels and a pincher claw old people use to get cans from high shelves)  I loved the show, and would admit to being a full-on nerd, but I won't fanboy it up right now- I'll just write about how strange it must be to create something so polarizing, but so popular.  Everyone I know who watched the show LOVED it, and everyone else thought it was as big of a waste of time as girls my age think video games and fantasy sports are.  I had a friend who stopped watching the show because he "thought it was ridiculous" so when he asked me what happened at the end I just said "everybody died" and left it at that.

On another note,

Earlier today I thought about how stupid of a name "facebook" was.  It's not a book.  It's on the internet.  Then I thought it might be fun to write a blog only containing all the other things I could think of that had really stupid names.  Football was the only other word I could think of.  Oh!  I thought of headphones just now while I was writing my other list.  Headphones are not phones.  Rainbows, too.  Not bows made of rain.

There are a lot of words with great names, however.

1. Oranges
2. Waterfall
3. Hedge Trimmers
4. Quarters
5. Your kneecap
6. Calculators
7. Tyrannosaurus Rex (Latin for "Tyrant Lizard King")
8. Newspapers
9. Apple Juice
10. Toothbrush

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